Discover your score on the Workday journey

15 Yes-No Questions

Take the quiz by answering 15 questions about how Workday works for you and your business.

Nothing technical, just straight forward questions to help us calculate your score.

Quiz Score Results

We'll calculate and give your quiz score results straight away.

Your quiz score will be based on your answers and our analysis of over 1000 submissions received to date.

Detailed Report

Your personalised report, for you to keep forever, provides insights and actionable hints, tips, and ideas to improve your quiz score and thrive on Workday.

Take the quiz now.

How we calculate your quiz score

Having worked and spoken with hundreds of Workday stakeholders, managers and users, we have identified 4 distinct areas of Workday that together dictate the overall success of Workday within any business regardles of its maturity, sector or size.

We carefully crafted 15 deceptively simple yes-no questions that we ask you to answer. We also have the data from over 1000 quiz submissions and counting. We use both data points to analyse and calculate your own personalised score.

If you want to know how you compare against the rest, take the quiz now for a fast and accurate score.

Workday Operations

Have you got all the Workday basics in place to ensure the solid and robust foundations on which to build and grow. 

This includes support of your users, governance, basic reports, robust healthchecks, compliance alerts and the tracking of return on investment. 

Workday Analytics

Your business is sitting on a mountain of Workday data. Workday analytics turns data into information, information into insights and insights into stories.

Let's uncover where you are on the analytics journey and your ability to create incredible business insights.

Workday Strategy

Workday has almost unlimited potential to grow and benefit your business. Workday has bi-annual releases and major feature add-ons for you to consider. 

It is vital that your Workday strategy aligns with the goals and objectives of your business.

Workday Satisfaction

Your relationship with Workday and Systems Integrators are of paramount importance to the ongoing success of Workday within your business.

There are many advantages of a strong Workday relationship, maintaining that strong relationship can be difficult.

Discover your score in less than 5-minutes

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